Showing 2 Result(s)

June chuggin’

Okay, well Bloglovin’ turned out to be a bust! It won’t link this blog to my profile on there, support hasn’t acknowledged my ticket, and when I go to certain pages on the site it tells me that page doesn’t exist anymore – until I refresh and then it’s there. Sounds broken as all heck to me! I’ll continue to look for easier ways to follow non-Wordpress and Blogger blogs, but such is life online I guess.

Productivity Goin’

I’m really starting to find new ways to keep myself on this goal list this year. Writing has really taken a backseat to all the other things I’m doing in my life, and I want this blog to sing! So To keep myself accountable I’m going to start using Bloglovin, because I guess RSS is too olde times? SMH, I blame Google.