
Prompt: what’s behind the door? why is it closed? allow your imagination to carry you away with this week's prompt and discover what is behind the closed door.

    • Writing
    • prose, short stories

Prompt: what’s behind the door? why is it closed? allow your imagination to carry you away with this week’s prompt and discover what is behind the closed door.


That door… it’s always fucking closed. Every other door in this house, all it takes is a slight nudge and it gives. I can access anything I want, just a slight push… and I’m in… like he’s always saying when he kneads that rectangle thing on the table. I’m strong enough now—when I was younger it took a few tries to get enough leverage to move the doors. But this door? It’s always shut. And I know it’s got to do with that orb thing—think he called it a knob? Well, he’s called other things here knobs too but they don’t seem to all fit the same pattern. Especially when he called his friend one. But if he touches it, it opens. I’ve got a pretty good jump – I’ve made it up the back of the human’s small chair in one leap before. But no matter how much I tap that knob with my claws, it won’t budge for me.


This is an outrage! I’m basically royalty here. I ask for food, I get it. I want to sleep on the table, I can. I can go and do whatever I want and they grovel for me. I’ve got my own pan to relieve myself and he cleans it for me. Sometimes I don’t even bury it. This weirdo is always digging around it to save in some bag, which, I guess, whatever… it’s not my thing. But that’s another story.


Anyway, the door. I’ve tried singing to it, sometimes that gets things going around here. And I’ve heard him singing when he goes in there too—I’ve noticed the air is really moist and wet when he comes out of there after singing—and there’s all sorts of noises I can’t quite place. The floor feels cool near the edge of the door and he always seems very happy when he comes out—happier than when I greet him in the morning. What do they do in there? If I’m nearby when he goes it I try to wiggle my way in, too, but he always pushes me out! It’s getting to the point where I don’t know if I want to know. And it seems it’s time for a nap. Maybe I’ll snooze right here in the hopes I’ll be awake when he leaves this time.