
workflow engineer. simplecitizen, fragomen.

April 2022 – April 2023. Build and test forms, pdfs, and auto-generated letters to facilitate the US immigration and work visa process using python, html, css, xml, and Pycharm, Adobe Acrobat, and Gitlab applications. Contribute to and build team wiki to standardize internal processes. Communicate and work with multiple teams to design, build, and deploy forms for multiple case types and test cases before case applications are sent to production. Assist with client side errors and bug emergencies for live case types. Update and create code, pdfs, and html created previously. SimpleCitizen department was absorbed by Fragomen in Dec 22.

captioner. rev.

Feb 2022 – Present. Caption videos for captioning service

web developer. bronxnet.

Sept 2018 – April 2022. Assisted clients with new file upload system, administered backend of the website, led team through new app concept, supervised remote team through creating new section of site for remote clients. Facilitated Facebook Live streams of local news during COVID-19 Pandemic.

web specialist. bronxnet.

July 2017 – Sept 2018. Supervised and maintained new website portal for staff and outside clients, oversaw workflow of ondemand content from studio to website.

video workflow engineer. bronxnet.

Mar 2016 – Jul 2017. Assisted with digitizing videos for on-demand consumption, assisted set-up of live on-location productions, assisted live protections and up-keep of satellite location.

producer. bronxnet.

Jul 2012 – Mar 2016. Oversaw the production of 60 min and 30 min live television shows regarding a number of topics from the booking of guests to keeping time during the show and cutting up segments for on demand digests online. Additional tasks included updating social media accounts and uploading on-demand video to website.


Aug 2010 – July 2012. Production crew member. Manned cameras, operated technical director board, on-screen graphics and credits, audio board, and attended to PSA/commercial breaks and countdown back to live tv, assisted on-location shoots and events such as CUNY Sports basketball and volleyball games and the Bronx Ball.