Showing 6 Result(s)

Mid-Year Review 2021

Generally I’m not a person who checks in with goals more than casually once a month for my media backlogs. But for some reason (thanks algorithm!) I caught a video from struthless on Youtube last month about a mid-year review and thought, “yeah, I should add this into my mix too!”

June chuggin’

Okay, well Bloglovin’ turned out to be a bust! It won’t link this blog to my profile on there, support hasn’t acknowledged my ticket, and when I go to certain pages on the site it tells me that page doesn’t exist anymore – until I refresh and then it’s there. Sounds broken as all heck to me! I’ll continue to look for easier ways to follow non-Wordpress and Blogger blogs, but such is life online I guess.

Productivity Goin’

I’m really starting to find new ways to keep myself on this goal list this year. Writing has really taken a backseat to all the other things I’m doing in my life, and I want this blog to sing! So To keep myself accountable I’m going to start using Bloglovin, because I guess RSS is too olde times? SMH, I blame Google.

a busy commuting station where everyone is a blur as they move

What happens in your fall?

Okay, so I talked a big game recently about my media goals and productivity but this post is about the inverse. Part of it is to be expected. You can’t ride a wave of productivity forever. Despite what a lot of people tell me, I’m not a robot. And neither are you. (Well, maybe, there’s …

a beach with the word 2021 written in the sand, with a wave above to wash it away.

Reflecting on 2020

This year has been one of the more interesting ones in recent memory. But despite some of the setbacks, I’ve grown a lot privately and it’s interesting to see with end of the year tallies.

Media Goals

So one of the main things I used to write blogs about in my teen years and into the first year of college was movies and tv. On Livejournal it tended to be more stream of consciousness live tweeting before twitter was big.